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VŠAPs - Innovative College

Ilustračná foto - Propojujeme svět psychologie s managementem

Connecting the world of psychology with management

The College of Applied Psychology in Terezín is the right institution for those who want to delve deeper into the field of psychology and its practical applications. Studying at our school combines the three worlds of psychology, sociology and management, including economics.

Study for modern practice

The unique combination of subjects, teachers and experts from practice with a focus on the application of knowledge creates an ideal space for acquiring not only knowledge, but also skills and competences for a career in a dynamically changing labour market.

Ilustrační foto - Studium pro moderní praxi

Understanding yourself and others will enrich you

Applied psychology provides opportunities to understand human behaviour and interpersonal relations. Combining economics and management, with practical application of the knowledge gained provides the basis for successful human resource management, and for building better relationships in both work and personal life.

A personal approach

With us, you won't just be a number in the system. At VŠAPs we pride ourselves on our individual approach, open and family atmosphere. Every student's opinion matters. We will know you in person, this applies to both the teachers and the study department.

Ilustračný obrázek  - osobní přístup

Scientific research for practice

VŠAPs is a college with an emphasis on practicality and  orientation towards applied scientific research, it stands out for its focus on linking theory with practice.

More about VŠAPs

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!