727 863 424

Why study at the College of Applied Psychology ?

You will start your working career under the guidance of experts. Everything we teach you, you will immediately use in practice and in your personal life.

  • This private college aims to provide students with a university qualification with the application of psychology, management, economics, and other social science disciplines for the performance of work in the field of management and human resources with domestic and foreign workers, minorities and ethnicities, both in the Czech Republic and anywhere in the world.
  • The College of Applied Psychology offers new opportunities to study applied psychology in management and economics for high school graduates in the form of full-time studies and those interested in practice (while employed) in the form of combined studies (distance learning - two weekends per month).
  • Personnel and Intercultural Management is an exceptional study program where management, economics and psychology are interconnected with other interesting subjects that will open up wide possibilities for your career.
  • Practice: from the second semester we will introduce you to the ways how to apply theories into practice. You can come with your project and we will help you realize it.
  • The teaching staff of the school consists of qualified teachers, academics, docents, and assistant professors who will help you build your career.
  • Personal approach: you will never be just a number with us, each of our students has a face and their own needs. If you communicate with us, you will always find our doors open.
  • Individual study plan: do you have limited time conditions for studying? You will receive your tutor to help you with your studies.
  • Adaptation get-together: before the start of studies, we will all meet on the school grounds, get to know each other, you will learn a lot of new information and we will help you get started. It is an informal meeting with the school management, teachers, and school staff.
  • Graduates of three-year full-time and combined studies will receive a bachelor's degree - Bc. and the possibility to continue in master's degree programs at public and private universities.


The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!