727 863 424


A SCHOOL WITHIN EASY REACH - ACCOMMODATION IN THE VŠAPs CAMPUS IN TEREZÍN. On the ground floor of the College of Applied Psychology,  the historic building of Artillery Barracks, there are rooms available that can be used by our students and guests for short-term or long-term accommodation.

Accommodation capacity of small rooms (more suitable for individuals or pre-agreed groups). Availablity of 2+3+2 beds, shared hall with microwave, kettle, basic dishes, shared toilet, and shower.

In larger rooms (4-7 beds), the room always has its anteroom with microwave, kettle, utensils, separate toilet, and shower room/ if not booked otherwise this room can also be used for individuals.

You only need to bring a towel and basic personal hygiene, the rest is included in the price.

Parking is free directly in front of the building or its immediate vicinity.

The student always arranges the accommodation himself, according to the instructions, see below.

For now, orders and inquiries can be sent to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and a reservation system will be set up in the future. The accommodation also has a list of students available and it is not possible to make a reservation for anyone else.

Use the following code for a discount and discounted accommodation price in communication: VŠubytování

Price: 305 CZK/person/night

Please arrange to reserve a room in groups so that 1 student does not block the entire room or have a roommate he/she did not intend to have.

More information here:

Ubytování v Terezíne
Ubytování v Terezíne
Ubytování v Terezíne
Ubytování v Terezíne
Nabídka ubytováni pro studenty VŠAPS Terezín
Nabídka ubytováni pro studenty VŠAPS Terezín


Hotel Koliba, which is located near the historic center of Litoměřice (4.5 km from Terezín), offers VŠAP students accommodation in stylishly furnished rooms at a discounted price. Each room includes a toilet, shower, LCD TV, and free Wi-Fi connection.

Accommodation price for VŠAPs students:

1 person in a double or triple room: CZK 550

Single room: 750 CZK

Breakfast: 150 CZK

The hotel has a Wallachian restaurant (opening hours depend on the hotel occupancy) and wellness (beer, relaxation spa, and massages).

Parking for guests is free.

Accommodation can only be booked by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Always put Student VŠAPs - rezervace ubytování in the subject of the message. The hotel reception has a list of students available and it is impossible to create a reservation for anyone else.

The above discounted prices are only valid for the duration of the course, i.e. always from October to May, and only when paying in cash at the hotel reception.

More information here:

Hotel Koliba
Hotel Koliba
Hotel Koliba
Hotel Koliba
Hotel Koliba
Hotel Koliba
Nabídka ubytování pro studenty VŠAPS Litoměřice
Nabídka ubytování pro studenty VŠAPS Litoměřice

For accommodation, it is possible to obtain an accommodation scholarship by the instructions of the Rector of VŠAP. For specific terms see here:  Pokyn rektora č. 6 - Postup pro podání žádosti o přiznání ubytovacího stipendia (109.43 KB)

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