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Admission procedure

Do you want to become our student? Fill in the application, send a CV, a motivation letter, and a certified copy of your high school diploma, and pay an administrative fee of CZK 500 for the application. You will be included in the admission process for the academic year 2024/2025.

How the admissions process works

  • No entrance exam.
  • The admission procedure is based on the documents submitted by the applicant.
  • In accordance with § 50, paragraph 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on universities and on amendments and additions to other laws (the Act on Universities), a commission appointed by the rector decides on admission to study at the College of Applied Psychology.
  • The members of the admissions committee check the completeness of all required documents and requirements associated with registering for study. The College of Applied Psychology will notify you of the result within 30 days of the current deadline for study applications.



The Personnel and Intercultural Management study program focuses on managerial psychology, personnel management and intercultural psychology and can be studied in two forms:

  • Three-year full-time bachelor's degree
  • Three-year combined (distance) bachelor's study - study takes place two weekends a month (Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 4:40 pm).

Part of the professionally oriented study program is the completion of work internships and apprenticeships that increase the graduates' opportunities for employment in the job market.

The study plan can be downloaded here:  Studijní plán profesně zaměřeného bakalářského studijního programu (212.47 KB)  

You will start your working career under the guidance of experts. Everything we teach you, you will apply directly in both everyday practice and personal life.

  • Personnel and intercultural management is an extraordinary study program where other interesting subjects are connected with management, economics, and psychology, which will open up a wide range of possibilities for your employment and an overall course of implementation.
  • This private college aims to provide students with a university qualification with the application of economics, management, psychology, and other social science disciplines for the performance of work in the field of management and human resources with domestic and foreign workers, minorities and ethnicities, both in the Czech Republic and anywhere in the world.
  • The College of Applied Psychology offers new opportunities to study applied psychology in management and economics for high school graduates in the form of full-time studies and those interested in practice (while employed) in the form of combined studies (distance learning - two weekends a month).
  • Graduates of three-year full-time and combined studies will receive a bachelor's degree - Bc. and the possibility to continue in master's degree programs at public and private universities.

Tuition fee

  • Full-time and combined studies: CZK 27,900 per semester (the discounted price when two semesters are paid at the same time is CZK 53,000)
  • Study with individual study plan: CZK 32,900 per semester (the discounted price when two semesters are paid at the same time is CZK 63,000)

The individual study plan is a friendly option for very busy students, for students with limited time options or health disadvantages. It also represents above-standard support when writing firstly annual seminary work and later bachelor's thesis, individual possibility of completing individual subjects, personal approach, and individual consultation with teachers. It takes place through an assigned tutor who attends to the students in solving study matters.

  • Submission of an online study application and payment of an administrative fee of CZK 500 per application (Confirm with a confirmation. Account number: 289 722 927 / 0300, variable symbol: date of birth, enter your full name in the text)  
  • The basic prerequisite for admission is the completion of a full secondary school education ending with the school leaving examination. (Attest with an officially certified copy of your school-leaving certificate - it can also be provided additionally, after passing your school-leaving exam before starting your studies. In the case of higher education, please provide an officially certified copy of your diploma.)  
  • Sending a structured CV - your own format or the Europass ONLINE form here
  • Sending a letter of motivation - state the reasons that lead you to study at the University of Applied Psychology in Terezín (approx. 1 A4 page)
  • Send the documents to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Personnel and Intercultural Management study program is a multidisciplinary combined program in which you will gain knowledge and practical skills in three main areas:  

1. Psychology

Studying psychology subjects will help you understand yourself and others better. Subjects such as applied psychology of personality, applied social psychology and others are aimed at the professional context and at working with people. You will learn how to deal and work with different types of people, and how to take into account how the human mind works when setting up processes in organizations. You will learn methods for effective communication and interaction in teams and interpersonal relationships with an application in counseling and coaching. You will become professionals in the field of human resource management and will delve into the basics of work and organizational psychology.

2. Sociology and interculturality

Through the study of these subjects, you will understand the differences between different cultures, the laws behind their formation, but also how they affect us in the everyday work of organizations. You will learn to work with differences in a beneficial way, both for future employers and in your own business. Thanks to an intercultural perspective, you will be able to help the organization not only when working with international colleagues, but also when solving other current challenges such as diversity, age management, approaches related to generations X, Y Z, and others.

3. Management, economics and economy

Courses in the field of economics, which includes management, will give you an orientation in the market environment. You will learn about its laws and how to apply them to the processes and procedures of motivating and leading people in management practice.

Study plan of the bachelor's program Personnel and Intercultural Management (courses and their distribution across individual semesters) and information about the State Final Examination: Personalní a interkulturní management 2024/2025 (5.39 MB)

Graduate profile and career opportunities

The graduate will acquire basic competencies for managing an organizational unit as a whole and a comprehensive set of professional competencies in personnel and intercultural management applicable in state and non-state organizations, in the management of private companies and non-profit organizations, and in the domestic and international environment.

The graduate is systematically prepared to perform qualified tasks in the field of human resources management and related personnel agendas. Other competencies include the ability to develop systems for planning, selecting, placing and evaluating employees. The student will be able to provide and create HR solutions for employees in intercultural environments and in times of organizational change.

The graduate is competent to deal with the management of people, organization of work, remuneration, motivation to work, management of work performance, and protection of health and safety at work. He can use personnel information systems in the context of legislative requirements and following the intercultural dimension of a specific organization.

After successful completion of this professional program, graduates will find employment primarily in specialist, line and middle management positions in the following areas:

  • leadership and management of individuals and teams,
  • in the professional activities of personnel management,
  • personnel, management and intercultural consultancy,
  • conducting training, training and coaching in professionally oriented education or in education aimed at overcoming cultural differences,
  • own independent business.

Typical job positions that a graduate can hold:

  • HR specialist, HR specialist, HR generalist
  • HR manager
  • Manager of an organizational unit or organization


We look forward to you.

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!