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Other Foreign Activities

Differentiated foreign activities, in which not only teachers but also students of VŠAPs actively participate, provide a broad form of presentation and bridging the scientific and research sphere with practical experience:

  • Inclusion of Applied Psychology in the international database ERIH PLUS (Bergen, 2/2-2023)
  • World University Summer Games (Chengdu, 28/7-8/8-2023)
  • 5th International Week (WUNU Ternopil, 4-8/9-2023)
  • Scientific and professional internship of three Polish teachers (VŠAPs Terezín, 11-16/9-2023)
  • Selected lecture by Jozef Kučera, MSc (MŠVVaŠ SR) for students of VŠAPs at topic: Socio-economic impact of sport (VŠAPs Terezín, 10-11/11-2023)
  • International competition EIT Challange Labs 2023 (Slovak Business Agency Bratislava, 22/11-2023)
zahranicni aktivity

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!