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Courses and Study Structure

Bachelor's studies at VŠAPs are conducted in full-time form, in part-time form  , and in the individual study plan form.

Full-time form – is based on attendance at lectures, seminars, exercises, and practical training on weekdays, according to the schedule.

Part-time form – includes a minimum of 80 hours per semester, organized in the form of lectures, seminars, and consultations exclusively on weekends (Saturday, Sunday). The dates of weekend blocks for the following study section are always set well in advance. The remaining part consists of individual work with materials prepared for each course in the study plan.

Individual study plan – an individual study plan is a flexible option for busy students, for students with limited time availability, or with health impairments. It also provides extra support for writing annual and bachelor's theses, individual options for completing individual subjects at agreed times, and individual consultations with teachers. It is conducted through an assigned tutor who assists students with solving various study issues.

Academic Year:

  • The academic year at VŠAPs lasts twelve calendar months.
  • The academic year is divided into the winter semester, summer semester, and holiday periods.
  • The beginning of classes, examination periods, internships, periods for subject registrations, the schedule of the academic year, and other details are determined by the rector.

Study Plan and Credit System

The course of studies in the bachelor's study program is carried out through a credit system, where each subject is assigned a certain number of credits, expressing the ratio of the student's workload associated with completing the subject. A student earns a certain number of credits for successfully completing a course, regardless of the classification. Students are required to earn the prescribed number of credits for a given period (when following the recommended study progression, a student should gain at least sixty credits per academic year if all study obligations are met).

The study plans establish recommended time and course sequence, the volume and form of instruction, number of credits assigned to each course, and other details and requirements concerning the credit system and the method of assessing study results. They also specify which courses are mandatory (i.e., which a student must complete as a necessary precondition for taking the state final examination), which courses are compulsory electives (students choose subjects from a list based on their interests), and recommended elective courses (their selection is left to the students' own decision, interests, and preferences).

An internship is a mandatory part of professionally oriented bachelor's studies at VŠAPs. The total duration is 480 hours. Its organization, form, and content are detailed in a separate section (link). For students in part-time study, part of the internship may be acknowledged based on documented work experience or an internship during previous studies.

Assessment of Study Results

Assessment is done through granting credits, classified credits, and conducting examinations (oral or written). Upon completing and successfully passing an exam, a student earns the corresponding number of credits. The total minimum number of credits for successfully completing a bachelor's degree program is 180.

The Moggis information system is used for monitoring and recording study results, where individually completed study obligations are registered

Student Evaluation

Students can provide feedback on their studies through regular questionnaire evaluations of courses and tutors, thus contributing to ensuring and enhancing the quality of education

Completion of Studies and Study Documents

Studies are concluded with a state final examination, which includes bachelor's thesis defense. Graduates of the program are awarded the academic title Bc. "bachelor." Proof of completing the studies includes a university diploma, a transcript, and a diploma supplement. Documents certifying the completion of studies are presented to successful graduates at graduation ceremonies.

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!