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International Conferences

It is a good tradition that VŠAPs organizes/co-organizes scientific and professional conferences with the participation of not only its pedagogues, partners, but also students:

  • Mezinárodní vědecko-odborná konference Svět práce 2020-2030 (VŠAPs Terezín, 25-26/11-2021)
  • Mezinárodní vědecko-odborná konference Svět 2030 (Město Litoměřice, 19/10-2022)
  • Mezinárodní vědecká konference: Psychosocial Resources of the Personal and Social Development in the Era of Globalization (WUNU Ternopil, 4-5/11-2022)
  • Mezinárodní vědecká konference: Sociální práca v súčasnej spoločnosti II (TF KU Ružomberok, 29/11-2022)
  • Mezinárodní vědecko-odborná konference: Psychology of Economic Behavior in the Context of Cultural Changes in the 21st century (VŠAPs Terezín, 11/5-2023)
  • Mezinárodní vědecká konference Silk Road s podtitulem The South Caucasus and Neighboring Regions and the War in Ukraine: Chances and Risks for Trans-Caspian Transport Routes between China and Europe (International Black Sea University Tbilisi, 18-19/10-2023)
  • Mezinárodní vědecká konference Psychosocial Resources of the Personal and Social Development in the Era of Globalization II., (WUNU Ternopil, 3-4/11-2023)
  • Mezinárodní vědecká konference: Health Psychology and its Importance for the Present Time (VŠAPs Terezín, 30/5-2024)
Mezin8rodn9 konference

Mezinárodní vědecko/odborné konference (soutěže) studentů VŠAPs

  • Janda, M. (2024). Artificial intelligence as a study tool at the College of Applied Psychology. Współczesne media a wolność człowieka (5 March 2024, AWL Wrocław, Poland)
  • Koubová, V. (2023). Psychosociální zdraví manažerů. Psychology of Economic Behavior in the Context of Cultural Changes in the 21st century (11 May 2023, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic)
  • Koubová, V. (2023). The Family as a Psycho-Spiritual Source of Human Formation in the Dimension of Financial Literacy. Psychosocial Resources of the Personal and Social Develompment in the Era of Globalization (3-4 November 2023, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine) 
  • Veselá, J. (2023). Historical Definition of Culture in Aspects of the Social Heritage and Tradition of the Czech Republic. Psychosocial Resources of the Personal and Social Develompment in the Era of Globalization (3-4 November 2023, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine) 
  • Veselý, D. (2024). The authority of the leader of a business firm. Przywódca, dowódca, lider, autorytet czy „wolny elektron” (13 February 2024, AWL Wrocław, Poland)
  • Žáček, D., Oravec, D., Volfová, L., Matková A. & Šorbanová, A. (2023). EIT Food Challange Labs 2023 (23 October – 22 November 2023, Slovak Business Agency Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!