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Professionally oriented studies at VŠAPs emphasize the application of theoretical knowledge in practice. This is facilitated by the course Internship I and II, which are mandatory for both full-time and part-time students. The total duration of the internship is 480 hours. Students undertake their internships with employers of their choice or at partner organizations of VŠAPs.

Part of the internship may be acknowledged based on documented confirmation of previous internship experience or professional practice.

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Project Laboratory - Chance to bring your own ideas to life

As an alternative to Internship I and II, the subject Project Laboratory I and II is popular at VŠAPs. Here, students come up with their own ideas and form teams to develop them and bring them to life.  Project topics are generated from the areas of focus of Personnel and Intercultural Management studies, reflecting the needs of the school's partners and the region. These activities involve institutions and bodies of state administration or municipalities, regions, or state-funded non-profit sector, civic associations and clubs, public benefit projects, etc. The course is designed as practical experience and does not include theoretical instruction, but in organized seminars, students work in groups on their own projects and receive feedback. After setting project goals, students approach mentors who provide ongoing consultations throughout project preparation and implementation. The Project Laboratory is concluded with a colloquium, where students present their ongoing work on the project, progress and achievements.

The Project Laboratory has already helped create and bring to life several socially beneficial and interesting projects, like publishing a book featuring stories of people with mental illness in collaboration with the non-profit organization Psychomat.

Odborná praxe

Dokumenty potřebné k provedení odborné praxe. Dokumenty se zobrazí po přihlášení studenta.

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!