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prof. ThDr. Patrik Maturkanič, PhD.

prof. ThDr. Patrik Maturkanič, PhD.

Vice-Rector for Science and Research

The Vice-Rector's competencies include the following areas: Research Center, Scientific Conferences, Publishing Center, Scientific Journal of Applied Psychology, Professional Publications, Center for Lifelong Learning, and University of the Third Age.

• Office: Vice-Rectors
• Consultation hours: by personal arrangement
EmailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +420 739 366 175

About me

University teacher, philosopher and theologian. In 1994-1999, he studied philosophy and theology at the CMTF UP in Olomouc, which he followed with postgraduate studies at the PUL in Rome (2002-2004). After returning from his studies abroad, he received his doctorate in theology at the RKCMBF UK in Bratislava (2007). During the following years, he worked at the VŠERS in České Budějovice and the EVC in Prague. Since 2015, he has been continuously teaching at VŠAPs in Terezín, where he also serves his second term as Vice-Rector for Science and Research. He is the author of a number of professional monographs and scientific papers. At the same time, he holds membership in several editorial boards, both at home and abroad. In January 2019, he was awarded the title of associate professor by the Rector of the RKCMBF UK in Bratislava, where he has been continuously working as a teacher/scientist since 2018, after a successful habilitation procedure. In March 2024, after a successful inauguration procedure at the same university, he was appointed a university professor by the President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová.

Professional characteristics:

  • College of Applied Psychology Ltd.
  • Function (position): professor, vice-rector for science and research (from 1 January 2020)
  • Teaching/Supervisor of courses: Ethics in the Work Environment, Sociology for Managers, Philosophy for Managers


  • First and second level university education: CMTF UP Olomouc, 1999; PUL Roma 2004
  • Third level university education: RKCMBF UK Bratislava, 2007
  • Docent title: RKCMBF UK Bratislava, 2019
  • Professor title: RKCMBF UK Bratislava, 2024



  • Scientific project (co-researcher): Improving the quality of education and management of scientific research in theological, humanistic and behavioral sciences in the V4 countries, Germany and Ukraine (2021-2024), No. SAE Gr. 27.10.21. P.SK
  • Scientific project (main researcher): Pastoral practice, psychology and philosophical-theological-social fragments in the light of the 21st century (2021-2022), No. 010-2021, ID 16255199
  • Scientific project (main researcher): The relationship between ethical norms and attachment characteristics in professional and pastoral practice (2021-2024), No. SAE Gr. 30.10.21 P.SK


Major publications for the last 5 years:

  • Kobylarek, A., Madej, M., Roubalová, M., & Maturkanič, P. (2022). Holistic Education of Seniors in the Eastern Model of the U3A. Acta Missiologica 16(2), 87-98. ISSN 1337-7515 [Web of Science]
  • Kondrla, P., Lojan, R., Maturkanič, P., Biryukova, Y. N., & Mastrapa, E.G. (2023). The Philosophical Context of Curriculum Innovations with a Focus on Competence Development. Journal of Education Culture and Society 14(2), 78-92. ISSN 2081-1640 [Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Kondrla, P., Maturkanič, P., Taraj, M., & Kurilenko, V. (2022). Philosophy of Education in Postmetaphysical Thinking. Journal of Education Culture and Society 13(2), 19-29. ISSN 2081-1640 [Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Maturkanič, P., Jiřišťová, D., Gruber, J., Šuráb, M. & Majda, P. (2023). "North Bohemian" God–Doeshe Speak or Remain Silent? A Pastoral-Theological Reflection on the Phenomena of the "Absent" God in the Litomerice Diocese and its Psycho-Social Dimension. Acta Missiologica 17(1), 59-72. ISSN 1337-7515 [Web of Science]
  • Maturkanič, P., Tomanová Čergeťová, I., Kondrla, P., Kurilenko, V., & Martín, J.G. (2021). Homo culturalis versus cultura animi. Journal of Education Culture and Society 12(2), 51-58. ISSN 2081-1640 [Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Maturkanič, P., Tomanová Čergeťová, I., Konečná, I., Thurzo, V., Akimjak, A., Hlad, Ľ., Zimny, J., Roubalová, M., Kurilenko, V., Toman, M., Petrikovič, J., & Petrikovičová, L. (2022). Well-Being in the Context of Covid-19 and Quality of Life in Czechia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(12), 7164 [CC, Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Murgaš, F., Petrovič, F., Maturkanič, P., & Králik, R. (2022). Happiness or Quality of Life? Or Both? Journal of Education Culture and Society 13(1), 17-36. ISSN 2081-1640 [Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Pavlíková, M., Maturkanič, P., Akimjak,A., Mazur, S., & Timor, T. (2023). Social Interventions in the Family in the Post-Covid Pandemic Period. Journal of Education Culture and Society 14(1), 106-123. ISSN 2081-1640 7515 [Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Tkáčová, H., Maturkanič, P., Pavlíková, M., & Slobodová Nováková, K. (2023). Online Media Audience During the Covid-19 Pandemic as an Active Amplifier of Disinformation: Motivations of University Students to Share information on Facebook. Communication Today 14(2), 155-167. ISSN 1338-130X [Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Tomanová Čergeťová, I., Hlad, Ľ., Maturkanič, P., Biryukova, Y.N., & Martín, J.G. (2021). Spirituality and irrational beliefs of movement activities in Slovaks and Czechs. Journal of Education Culture and Society 12(2), 539-549. ISSN 2081-1640 [Web of Science, Scopus]


International scientific conferences (active participation in the last 5 years):

  • Maturkanič, P. (2021). „Etika v pracovním procesu“ Svět práce 2020-2030 (25-26 November 2021, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic)
  • Maturkanič, P. (2024). „Leadership responsibility and ethics in everyday practice“ Przywódca, dowódca, lider, autorytet czy „wolny elektron” (13 February 2024, AWL Wrocław, Poland)
  • Maturkanič, P. (2022). „Sociálně padagogické výzvy v ohrožených oblastech ústeckého kraje II“ Sociálna práca v súčasnej spoločnosti II (29 November 2022, TI Spišská Kapitula, Slovak Republic)
  • Maturkanič, P. (2023). „The Concept and Importance of Information or Interpersonal Communication Specific to the Czech Environment “ 5th International Week(4-8 September 2023, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine)
  • Maturkanič, P. (2023). „What does it Mean to be Human in the Context of the Development of Socio-Humanitarian Values“ Psychosocial Resources of the Personal and Social Develompment in the Era of Globalization (3-4 November 2023, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine) 

Activities abroad:

  • Postgraduate studies at PUL Roma/Italy, culminating in a rigorous examination/ThLic. (9/2002 - 6/2004)
  • Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomiczna, Stalowa Wola/Poland; study stay (11/2019)
  • Universidad de Granada, Granada/Spain; study and research stay (10/2021 - 11/2021)
  • Pontificia Università San Tommaso d'Aquino, Roma/Italy; study stay (10/2022)
  • Søren Kierkegaard Central European Research Institute, Ljubljana/Slovakia; study and research stay (6/2023)


Membership in scientific organizations, editorial boards of scientific journals at home and abroad:

  • Membership in the Academic Council of the University of Applied Psychology (Terezín, Czech Republic) from 2019 - present
  • Membership in the Editorial Board of the journal Duchovný pastier (Trnava, Slovakia) from 2019 - present
  • Membership in the Editorial Board of Rozmer magazine (Bratislava, Slovakia) from 2019 - till now
  • Membership on the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Applied Psychology/Applied Psychology (Terezín, Czech Republic) from 2019 - present
  • Membership in the European Society for Catholic Theology (Brussels, Belgium) from 2020 - present
  • Membership of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Pedagogika katolicka (Stalowa Wola, Poland) from 2021 - present
  • Membership of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Pedagogical Discussions (Levoča, Slovakia) from 2021 - present
  • Membership of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Review of Theology, Social Sciences and Sacred Art (Dublin, Ireland) from 2021 - present
  • Membership of the Editorial Board of Humanities Studies: History and Pedagogy (Ternopil, Ukraine) from 2022 - present
  • Membership of the Editorial Board of the International Review for Human and Natural Sciences (Zurich, Switzerland) from 2022 - present
  • Membership in the Scientific Council of the Roman Catholic Cyril and Methodius Divinity Faculty of Charles University (Bratislava, Slovakia) from 2022 - present 
  • Membership in the Internationale Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Dortmund e.V. (Dortmund, Německo) from 2024 – present 

Expertise and assessment activities at home and abroad

  • Grant Agency of Charles University in Prague (GAUK): 5
  • Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (VEGA): 1
  • Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education in Bratislava (KEGA): 6
  • Membership in rigorous committees: 4
  • Membership in dissertation committees: 6
  • Membership in habilitation committees: 3

Thesis supervision

  • Number of supervised/completed bachelor and master theses: 37
  • Number of supervised/completed dissertations (PhD.): 2
  • Number of actual supervised dissertations (PhD.): 4


The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!