727 863 424

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Milan Fila, PhD.

doc. Ing. Milan Fila, PhD.

Vice-Rector for International Cooperation

The competence of the Vice-Rector includes the following areas: international cooperation (Bilateral Agreements, Memoranda), International Conferences, Foreign Visits, Coordinator of Internships Abroad, Program Erasmus+

Office: Vice-Rectors
Consulting hours:  by personal agreement
• EmailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• Cell: +421 905 292 815

About me

Economist, business consultant, project manager and university teacher. He is Vice-Rector and Docent at the University of Applied Psychology, based in Prague and Terezin, a long-time project manager and business consultant in the field of development, investment, education and R&D&I projects. From 2017 to 2022 he served as the main coordinator of the National Business Centre (NPC) Nitra under the responsibility of Slovak Business Agency (SBA) and before that as Expert Supervisor for cooperation between universities and business sphere at the Centre for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic under the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

He is a member of project and working groups of the Slovak Government Council for Cohesion Policy, of Nitra city and Nitra self-governing region with focus on regional development, promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship. He is author/co-author of 100+ scientific and professional publications including analyses and evaluations for selected ministries and government agencies.

Professional characteristics:

  • College of Applied Psychology Ltd.
  • Function (position): Docent, vice-rector for international cooperation (from 1st of August 2023)
  • Teaching/Supervisor of courses: Fundamentals of Economics, Business Economics I., Business Economics II.


  • First and second level university education: FEM SPU Nitra, 2007
  • Third level university education:FEM SPU Nitra, 2010
  • Docent title: EF UMB Banská Bystrica, 2018


Research Gate Registr docentů a profesorů vysokých škol


  • Scientific project (leading researcher) Assessment of the quality of the business environment in Slovakia with an emphasis on entry into business in the pre- and post-pandemic period (2021- 2023), No. VEGA No. 1/0466/21
  • Scientific project ( co-researcher) Performance evaluation of local self-governments (2018-2020), VEGA No. 1/0407/18
  • National Project (Expert Coordinator) NPC in Regions ITMS project code: 313031I870, Recipient: Slovak Business Agency (2017-2022)
  • National Project (Expert Supervisor of the National Project activity) Universities as engines for development of knowledge society. ITMS project code: 26110230120 Recipient: CVTI SR
  • Expert Scientific Project (Expert for Slovakia) Smarter Cluster Policies for South East Europe– ClusterPoliSEE (2013-2014)


Important publication in last 5 years

  • Fiľa, M., & Levický, M. (2020). Development and Current Status of Business Environment in Slovakia / Fiľa Milan & Michal Levický; Mustafa Arslan – Givi Amaglobeli. In 15th International Silk Road Virtual Conference – SILK ROAD CONFERENCES. Conference Proceedings / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Arslan, Givi Amaglobeli, Ph.D.c. Tbilisi, Georgia: International Black Sea University, 112-119. ISBN 978-9941-8- 2892-8.
  • Fiľa, M., & Levický, M. (2021). Hodnotenie vývoja novovzniknutých a zaniknutých podnikateľských subjektov na Slovensku v predpandemickom období = Evaluation of Selected Indicators of the Business Environment in Slovakia in the Pre-pandemic Period / Fiľa Milan & Michal Levický. Scientific Journal Public administration and Regional Development 17(1), 46-53. ISSN 1337-2955.
  • Fiľa, M., & Urbaníková, M. (2020). Hodnotenie podnikateľského prostredia s akcentom na začínajúcich podnikateľov v Slovenskej republike. vyd. Nitra: UKF, s. 143. ISBN 978-80-558-1649-4.
  • Fiľa, M., Levický, M., Mura, L., Maroš, M., & Kořenková, M. (2020). Innovations for Business Management: Motivation and Barriers. Marketing and Management of Innovations 11(4), 266-278. ISSN 2218-4511. [Web of Science]
  • Korenková, M., Maroš, M., Levický, M., & Fiľa, M. (2020). Consumer Perception of Modern and Traditional Forms of Advertising. Sustainability 12(23), 9996 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 [CC, Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Kučera, J., & Fiľa, M. (2022). R&D Expenditure, Innovation Performance and Economic Development of the EU Countries. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 9(3), 227-241. ISSN 2345-0282 [Web of Science]
  • Levický, M., & Fiľa, M. (2020). The Level of Circular Economy in Slovakia on the Basis of Selected Indicators / Levický, Michal & Milan Fiľa; Mustafa Arslan – Givi Amaglobeli. In 15th International Silk Road Virtual Conference – SILK ROAD CONFERENCES. Conference Proceedings / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Arslan, Givi Amaglobeli, Ph.D.c. Tbilisi, Georgia: International Black Sea University, 67-73. ISBN 978-9941-8- 2892-8.
  • Levický, M., Fiľa, M., Korenková, M., & Maroš, M. (2020). Economic Value of Bee Pollination in Slovakia / Patrycja Chodnicka – Jaworska. In 19th RSEP International Economics, Finance & Business Conference Conference Proceedings. FULL PAPERS. Praha, Česká republika: BC Publishing, 7-15. ISBN 978-605- 06961-6-5.
  • Levický, M., Fiľa, M., Maroš, M., & Korenková, M. (2022). Barriers to the Development of the Circular Economy in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Slovakia. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 9(3), 76-87. ISSN 2345-0282 [Web of Science]
  • Maroš, M., Korenková, , Fiľa, M., Levický, M., & Schoberová, M. (2020). Project-based Learning and its Effectiveness: Evidence from Slovakia. Interactive Learning Environments 31(7), 4147-4155. ISSN 1049-4820 [Web of Science, Scopus]
  • Vojtech, F., & Fiľa, M. (2021). Innovation processes in the European Union and in Slovakia. Scientific Journal Public administration and Regional Development 17(1), 81-89. ISSN 1337-2955.


International scientific conferences (active participation in the last 5 years):

  • Fiľa, M. (2023). SlovakiaTech FORUM-EXPO (19-20 September 2023, Košice, Slovak Republic)
  • Fiľa, M. (2023). „Vnímanie korupcie a dostupnosti informácií a ich vplyv na podnikateľské prostredie a správanie sa podnikateľov“ Psychology of Economic Behavior in the Context of Cultural Changes in the 21st century (11 May 2023, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic)
  • Fiľa, M., & Tóthová, V. (2023). „Start-ups and innovations as an important part of economic development“ The South Caucasus and Neighboring Regions and the War in Ukraine: Chances and Risks for Trans-Caspian Transport Routes between China and Europe (18-19 October 2023, Black Sea University Tbilisi, Georgia)
  • Fiľa, M., & Viglaský, J. (2023). „Development of the Shared Economy in the Current Era of Globalization“ Psychosocial Resources of the Personal and Social Develompment in the Era of Globalization (3-4 November 2023, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine) 

Foreign activity:

  • Cukrova State University, Adana, Turecko (2011)
  • Technologieoffensive Burgenland, GmbH (2011 – 2012),
  • Projekt ClusterPoliSEE: European Committee of the Regions, Brussels, Belgium (2014)
  • Projekt ClusterPoliSEE: University of Novi Sad, Serbia (2014)
  • International Black Sea University, Tbilisi, Georgia (2019)


Membership in scientific organizations, editorial boards of scientific journals at home and abroad:

  • Membership in the Academic Council of the University of Applied Psychology (Terezín, Czech Republic) from 2022 – present
  • Membership on the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Applied Psychology/Applied Psychology (Terezín, Czech Republic) from 2022 – present
  • External Evaluator Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Slovak Republic from 2021 - present
  • Member of the Council for Internal Quality Assessment, Faculty of Economics and Management SPU in Nitra, Slovak Republic, Study programs: Accounting, Commerce and Entrepreneurship from 2021 - present
  • Member of the Council for Internal Quality Assessment, Faculty of Economics and Management SPU in Nitra, Slovak Republic, Study programs: Accounting, Commerce and Entrepreneurship from 2021 - present
  • Chairman of the Expert Group for Cooperation between Universities and Business sphere, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic under the responsibility of CVTI SR CVTI SR 2014 - 2015

Thesis supervision:

  • umber of supervised/completed bachelor and master theses: 53
  • Number of currently supervised dissertations (PhD.: 2) 

Expertise and assessment activities at home and abroad 

  • Cultural and Educational Grant Agency MŠ SR in Bratislava(KEGA): 3
  • Evaluation of the Operational Programme Effective Public Administration, Ministry of the Interior SR : 4
  • Membership in dissertation committees: 2 

Expert outputs for application in practice:

  • Feasibility study – Premena rurálnej oblasti na priemyselnú zónu v obci Dolný Bar.
  • Fiľa, M. (2017). Aktuálne možnosti financovania inovácií v MSP z prostriedkov EŠIF v najmenej rozvinutých regiónoch Slovenska. Finančný manažér 17(3), 27-31. ISSN 1335-5813.
  • Fiľa, M. (2019). Investičná pomoc podnikom na Slovensku podľa nových pravidiel. Finančný manažér 19(1), 9-14. ISSN 1335-5813.
  • Fiľa, M., & Fiľová, S. (2022). Plastikársky, chemický a sklársky priemysel / Fiľa, M., & Fiľová, S. In Analýza kľúčových odvetví hospodárstva SR za roky 2019 a 2020 / Holešová, V. & Kiselicová, R., 214-231, Bratislava: Centire, 2022. ISBN 978-80-570-3809-2.
  • Fiľa, M., & Fiľová, S. (2022). Strojársky, hutnícky a zlievarenský priemysel. In Analýza kľúčových odvetví hospodárstva SR za roky 2019 a 2020 / Holešová, V. & Kiselicová, R., 165-187, Bratislava: Centire. ISBN 978-80-570-3809-2.
  • Fiľa, M., & Krištofík, P. (2017). Investičná pomoc ako nástroj externého spolufinancovania investičných projektov v podnikoch na Slovensku. Finančný manažér 17(3), 6-12. ISSN 1335-5813.
  • Fiľa, Met al. (2013). Stratégia pre rozvoj elektrotechnického priemyslu v Trnavskom samosprávnom kraji.  Trnava: Elektrotechnický klaster - západné Slovensko s podporou Ministerstva hospodárstva SR.
  • Fiľa, Met al. (2015). Stratégia pre rozvoj klastrových aktivit. Trnava: Elektrotechnický klaster - západné Slovensko.
  • Kolektív autorov (2015). Identifikácia bariér a odporúčania pozitívnych zmie spolupráce vysokých škôl s podnikovou praxou. Bratislava: CVTI SROV.
  • Lazorčáková, E., & Fiľa, M. (2009). Akčný plán rozvoja cestovného ruchu vo väzbe na územie Trnavského samosprávného kraja.  

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