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PhDr. Mgr. Štefan Medzihorský

PhDr. Mgr. Štefan Medzihorský


The following areas are within the competence of the Rector: the management of VŠAPs, the management of the Collegium of the Rector, the Vice-Rectors and the Secretary, the Academic Council, the Internal Evaluation Council, the Disciplinary Committee and the Admissions Committee.

• Office: School Management/Rector
Consultation hours: to be arranged on request
• E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• Phone contact: +420 603 478 364

About me

Certified europsychologist and EUROPSY mentor. University teacher and rector of the College of Applied Psychology in Terezín.

Graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Comenius University in Bratislava and Psychology at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague. In 1983-1988 he completed a five-year community training in group psychotherapy at SUR.

In 1981-1989 he worked as a researcher at the Institute for the Development of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, and then he was the director of the Institute for the Improvement of Managerial Qualifications at the Faculty of Economics and Management (now the University of Life Sciences in Prague) until 1992. For a considerable period of time he taught at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University in Hradec Kralove, then also at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Comenius University in Bratislava on the psychology of patient treatment. 

He published a number of professional and scientific articles, including the book Assertiveness (1991). He founded the scientific peer-reviewed journal Applied Psychology, issued by VŠAPs since 2016. He is a member of the Czech-Moravian Psychological Society, a member of the committee of the Czech Association of Occupational and Organizational Psychologists and the Czech Managerial Association.

Professional characteristics:

  • College of Applied Psychology Ltd.
  • Function (position): rector (since 10. 9. 2011)
  • Teaching/Supervisor of courses:Socio-psychological Training, Presentation Skills and Rhetoric, Assertive Communication for Managers


  • First and second level university education:: FaF UK Bratislava, 1969; FF UK Praha, 1975; / Comenius University, Bratislava; Charles University, Prague;
  • Psychotherapy training SUR, Prague, 1988


Important publication in last 5 years

  • Medzihorský, Š. (2023). Komunikace v psychologii ekonomického chování. Aplikovaná psychologie/Applied Psychology 8(1), 1227-1237. ISSN 2336-8276.
  • Medzihorský, Š. (2021). Spirituality from a Psychological Point of View. In Maturkanič, P. & Tomanová Čergeťová, I. (ed.). Spiritual and Social Experience in the Context of Modernism and Postmodernism. Morrisville: Lulu Publishing Company, 245-270. ISBN 978-1-716-21192-8.
  • Medzihorský, Š., & Svoboda, M. (2020). Vnímání a prožívání nouzového stavu v 1. vlně pandemie koronaviru. Aplikovaná psychologie/Applied Psychology 5(2), 592-626. ISSN 2336-8276.
  • Medzihorský, Š., & Svoboda, M. (2022). Vnímání a prožívání období pandemie koronaviru a sociální práce. Aplikovaná psychologie/Applied Psychology 7(2), 1119-1143. ISSN 2336-8276.


International scientific conferences (active participation in the last 5 years):

  • Jiřištová, D., & MedzihorskýŠ.(2021). „Relation of personality characteristics to performance motivation and search for the meaning“ The 32 International Congress Psychology: Psychology in the 21st Century(23 July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Medzihorský, Š. (2021). „Assertive communication at different age“The 32 International Congress Psychology: Psychology in the 21st Century(20 July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Medzihorský, Š.(2021). „Asertivní komunikace jako funkční prostředek získávání a poskytování informací na trhu práce“ Svět práce 2020-2030(25-26 November 2021, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic) / "Assertive Communication as a Functional Means of Obtaining and Providing Information in the Labour Market"
  • Medzihorský, Š.(2023). „Jak pracovat se strachem“Postav se svému strachu / Face your Fear (22 April 2023, FF UK Praha, Czech Republic)
  • Medzihorský, Š.(2023). „Komunikace v psychologii ekonomického chování“Psychology of Economic Behavior in the Context of Cultural Changes in the 21st century (11 May 2023, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic)
  • Medzihorský, Š.(2020). „Předpoklady pro asertivní jednání“ Psychologie práce v současném světě/ Labour Psychology in current world (5 March 2020, Akademie věd ČR, Czech Republic
  • Medzihorský, Š.(2020). „Spiritualita z psychologického hlediska“ Spirituální zkušenosti v kontextu moderny a postmoderny / Spiritual experience in the modern and postmodern context (29 May 2020, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic)
  • Medzihorský, Š., Svoboda, M., & Jiřištová, D. (2021). „Feelings and experiencing the coronavirus pandemic in state of emergency by Czech Citizens“ The 32 International Congress Psychology: Psychology in the 21st Century(21 July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic)


Membership in scientific organizations, editorial boards of scientific journals at home and abroad:

  • Chair of the Academic Council of the College of Applied Psychology (Terezín, Czech Republic) from 2011 – now
  • Membership on the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Aplikovaná Psychologie/Applied Psychology (Terezín, ČR) from .2016 – now
  • Membership of the Committee Asociaci psychologů práce a organizace/Association of Occupational and Organizational Psychologists
  • Membership of Českomoravské psychologické společnosti/Czech-Moravian Psychological Society
  • Membership of České manažerské asociaci/Czech Managerial Association

Thesis supervision:

  • Number of supervised/completed bachelor and master theses: 29

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!