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Mgr. Zuzana Rambousková

Mgr. Zuzana Rambousková

College teacher, Experienced professional

• Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• Consultation hours: to be arranged on request

About me

Professional characteristics:

  • College of Applied Psychology Ltd.
  • Function (position): Experienced Professional
  • Teaching/Supervisor of courses:German Language I. and II., Presentation Skills in Foreign Language (Ger)


  • First and second level university education:: FF UK Praha, 2003, Charles University, Prague


  • Co-managing the ESF-funded project HENNLICH Welcomes the Family
  • Project management of the counselling and help line for male and female employees - telephonic crisis intervention


International scientific conferences (active participation in the last 5 years):

  • Rambousková, Z., & Sýkorová, P. (2023). „Duševní zdraví v ČR – Wake Up Call!“ Psychology of Economic Behavior in the Context of Cultural Changes in the 21st century(11 May 2023, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic)
  • Rambousková, Z., & Sykorová, P. (2022). „EAP program – podpora zdraví zaměstnanců jako důležitý pilíř udržitelnosti HR“ Svět práce 2030(19 October 2022, Litoměřice, Czech Republic) EAP program - promoting employee health as an important pillar of HR sustainability"
  • Sýkorová, P., & Rambousková, Z. (2021). „Člověk, organizace, společnost – kvalita života v kontextu strategií“ Svět práce 2020-2030(25-26 November 2021, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic) "Man, organization, society - Quality of life in companies and strategies”

Foreign activities:

  • Co-participation in a diversity and inclusion project at Familienservice, Germany (2019)


Membership in scientific organizations, editorial boards of scientific journals at home and abroad:

  • Cooperation in the creation of the brochure HENNLICH Welcomes the Family - Harmonising in practice, Guide to starting maternity leave and parental leave, retirement guide, career WEB
  • Creation of a web platform for nannies and childcare providers for children from 0 to 7 years of age in the framework of an ESF-funded project
  • Lecturer and chair of the examination committee - Training courses Nanny for children up to the start of mandatory school attendance, according to the national system of qualifications, training course accredited by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
  • Member of the discussion platform of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - expert consultant for the development of regional family oriented policy, development of concepts and standards

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!