Scientific and Professional Activities of Students
International scientific/professional conferences (competitions) of VŠAPs students
Fiľa, M., & Reveco, L. (2024). „Gamification as a Catalyst for Innovation in HR“ 6th International Week (9-13 September 2024, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine)
Janáčková, L., & Ratzenbeck, K. (2024). „Virtual Reality Technology in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Phobias and Anxiety“ 6th International Week (9-13 September 2024, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine)
Janda, M. (2024). ‚‚Artificial intelligence as a study tool at the College of Applied Psychology‘‘ Współczesne media a wolność człowieka (5 March 2024, AWL Wrocław, Poland)
Koubová, V. (2023). ‚‚Psychosociální zdraví manažerů‘‘ Psychology of Economic Behavior in the Context of Cultural Changes in the 21st century (11 May 2023, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic)
Koubová, V. (2023). ‚‚The Family as a Psycho-Spiritual Source of Human Formation in the Dimension of Financial Literacy‘‘ Psychosocial Resources of the Personal and Social Develompment in the Era of Globalization (3-4 November 2023, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine)
Maturkanič, P., Pixová, D., & Stiborová, A. (2024). ‚‚Social and psychological aspects of life assets of Ukrainian war refugees living in the Czech Republic‘‘ Transformational processes in the social and humanitarian education of modern Ukraine during the war time: challenges, problems and prospects (20-22 June 2024, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine)
Maturkanič, P., & Turek, J. (2024). „Partnership Between Educational Institutions and the Business Sector in the North Bohemian Environment of the Czech Republic“ 6th International Week (9-13 September 2024, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine)
Veselá, J. (2023). ‚‚Historical Definition of Culture in Aspects of the Social Heritage and Tradition of the Czech Republic‘‘ Psychosocial Resources of the Personal and Social Develompment in the Era of Globalization (3-4 November 2023, WUNU Ternopil, Ukraine)
Veselý, D. (2024). ‚‚The authority of the leader of a business firm‘‘ Przywódca, dowódca, lider, autorytet czy „wolny elektron” (13 February 2024, AWL Wrocław, Poland)
Žáček, D., Oravec, D., Volfová, L., Matková A.,&Šorbanová, A. (2023). EIT Food Challange Labs 2023 (23 October – 22 November 2023, Slovak Business Agency Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Publication activities of students
Masopust, V. (2021). Fenomén lásky v kontextu psychologie mezilidských partnerských a pracovních vztahů. Terezín: VŠAPs. ISBN 978-80-87871-14-0.
Reveco, L. (2024). Courage (Chapter 2), (ed. Sarah Makinde & Co). Pro Publishing House, 25-36. ISBN 9798340915474.
The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!