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Ing. Petra Sýkorová

Ing. Petra Sýkorová

College teacher, Experienced professional

• Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• Consultation hours: to be arranged on request

About me

Professional characteristics:

  • College of Applied Psychology Ltd.
  • Function (position): Experienced Professional
  • Teaching/Supervisor of courses:Employee Care, Project Laboratory I. and II.


  • First and second level university education:: FEK ZČU Plzeň, 2009


  • Participant of the international project Parental Leave Management in companies (2013 – 2015)
  • Participant of the international project Mobilising corporate foresight potential among V4 countries, Forsight for commercial sphere, Visegrad Fund (2017)
  • Expert cooperation on the project Coordination of measures to support balancing work and family life at the regional level (2019 – 2020)
  • Project Mentor Alone but strong: Eliminating discrimination against solo mothers in the job market (2020 – 2022)


International scientific conferences (active participation in the last 5 years):

  • Rambousková, Z., & Sýkorová, P.(2023). „Duševní zdraví v ČR – Wake Up Call!“ Menthal Health in CR - Wake Up Call. Psychology of Economic Behavior in the Context of Cultural Changes in the 21st century(11 May 2023, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic)
  • Rambousková, Z., & Sykorová, P. (2022). „EAP program – podpora zdraví zaměstnanců jako důležitý pilíř udržitelnosti HR“ Svět práce 2030(19 October 2022, Litoměřice, Czech Republic) AP program - promoting employee health as an important pillar of HR sustainability"
  • Sýkorová, P.(2021). „Kvalita života ve firmách a strategiích – základ nebo nadstavba“ Svět práce 2020-2030(25-26 November 2021, VŠAPs Terezín, Czech Republic) / Quality of life in companies and strategies - foundation or addition

Foreign activities:

  • English 2000, Bornemouth (GB), Advanced level (2006)
  • Business Studies and Economics, University of Kaiserslatern/Německo) – 1. semestr (Erasmus, 2006-2007)


Professional activity:

  • Company economist, project manager, HR specialist (HENNLICH s.r.o.) (2007 - 2017)
  • Creative workshops, HR projects and strategies, surveys and events (pme familienservice, Ad-vise, Krokudy, Studio na Pahorku, City of Litoměřice), pro-family policy and companies (cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, ÚK, Aperio) (2016 - present)
  • VŠAPs: lecturer, external practitioner (2022 - present)
  • Familien service: strategic and project manager, lecturer
  • Implementation of EU and HR projects from A to Z e.g. setting up a comprehensive training system further in the field of HR especially employee care in the context of equal opportunities set up and implementation of investment, marketing, R&D projects, the work and the position evolved gradually with the projects that came up in the course of the company's development

The ability to understand yourself and others enriches you!