Vybraní akademičtí pracovníci VŠAPs byli v průběhu posledních pěti let zapojeni do těchto mezinárodních projektů:
- International scientific project: Improving the quality of education and management of scientific research in theological, humanistic and behavioral sciences in the V4 countries, Germany and Ukraine (contract number: SAE-Gr.27.10.21P.SK) Projekt 10/2021–10/2024
- International scientific research project cooperation agreement: Pastoral practice, psychology and philosophical-theological-social fragments in the light of the 21st century (contract number: 010-2021, ID 16255199). Cooperation among: Sociedad Hispánica de Amigos de Kierkegaard, University of Granada (Spain) and College of Applied Psychology in Terezín (Czech Republic). 9/2021-6/2022
- International scientific project: The relationship between ethical norms and attachment characteristics in professional and pastoral practice (SAE-Gr.30.10.21P.SK) Cooperation among: College of Applied Psychology in Terezín (Czech Republic), RUDN-University Moscow (Russian federation) and Constantine the Philosopher Universtiy in Nitra (Slovak Republic). 10/2021–10/2024
- International scientific project: RESTART (Resilience and Training for SMEs) (2021-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000034882). 11/2021–10/2023 https://www.restartproject.eu/community.php
- International scientific project: JUST (Joint University/SME Training) (2021-1-SI01-KA220-HED-000029948). 1/2022–6/2024 https://just-training.eu/associates.php